So I am digressing already from my original blog proposal, but maybe not really? (Although, it wouldn’t be at all out of character for me to do so) I am exceptionally intrigued by the breadth of sociology encompassed in the crossroads of an airport. I’m immediately reminded of the opening scene of Love Actually. Now, I couldn’t find a good clip of this in English because of copyright laws, but this homemade video serves the same purpose without the overly sentimental tag line, “love actually is all around” (the David Gray track in the background is still a little much). Speaking of overly sentimental, this also reminds me of the John Mayer song, Wheel:
“And airports see it all the time / When someone's last goodbye
Blends in with someone’s sigh / Cause someone's coming home
In hand a single rose…”
Seems kind of cheesy and emotional, but my interest is at least slightly analytical in nature. The fascination exists for travel by planes, trains and automobiles, but I can’t help to be bombarded by it in the airport. I knew a journalism major once that had the idea to travel by train all over the US and just talk to people – to see who they are, where they are going, how long they’ll be there. I think it’s a wonderful idea and I think it would translate beautifully into a book and/or documentary (has this already been done and I don’t know about it?). Maybe I’m just nosey, but for everyone I see, I want to know their story. Maybe they are coming home, maybe they are leaving home. Maybe they will be back soon, maybe they are leaving that place forever. Maybe they are happy, maybe they are sad. Maybe their story is interesting, but maybe it’s just as boring as mine. Lucky for me, this captivation is enough to keep me occupied and distracted from all the things about airports that should completely annoy me and ruin the allure of traveling (read:(your name here) laughed’s post about TSA).
On top of all of this, I just love planes and the science of flight. I still haven’t gone to the flight observation deck, but it’s been on my list of things to do for quite some time. Maybe I’ll squeeze it in sometime between becoming a professional bowler and training for a marathon…
-DJ Brizzle
you should search for the louis ck bit about "everythings amazing and nobodys happy" on conan, because he talks about how we should just constantly be going....we're flying through the air, we are on a chair in the sky. thanks for linking the blog
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