Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So I decided...Love Can Be Unconditional

I have always loved animals. I had a rabbit, hermit crabs, a turtle (before they were illegal) and begged for a dog until we got our rat terrier when I was 10 (who is still alive and kickin’ it). Growing up my Dad also had a golden retriever, who I remember fondly as a friend and companion for the weekends I spent at his house. Of course, as a kid, you don’t really know what responsibility goes into having a dog; you just know that they are fun and loving in a way that really impresses you, even at a young age.

I’ve always thought of myself as a “dog person” and a “big dog person” at that. I’ve always had a great connection to the canines in my life, even those that didn’t belong to me and my family. Naturally, when it came time to move away from home for college, I wanted one of my own. For my first Christmas away from home, my mom got me a stuffed puppy – really funny. In retrospect, she was, of course, right that I didn’t need a dog in college. Duh. So I waited anxiously until graduation. I talked and talked and talked about getting a dog. I did all the research and read all the books (read: The Loved Dog by Tamar Geller). I read all about different breeds and their personalities and wanted to find the perfect match. I don’t know if my mom actually thought it was a good idea or if she was just tired of hearing about it, but she surprised me early in the spring semester with the idea of a puppy for a graduation present. I nearly jumped out of my skin. So I decided on a golden retriever and milled over breeders until I found a suitable one and then I milled over names.

Sutton the golden retriever. That’s Sutton Tweedmouth of Carolina, to be exact. He launch me into this culture of dog parks, pet stores & bakeries, weekend trips to different swimming holes and daily trail runs (Umstead State Park is one of our favorite places). Luckily, Sutton and I also have great friends to share time with – shout outs here to Amanda & Kolby and Chris & Gunner. Funny how you become a pair like that when you have the kind of dog that goes everywhere with you…

What has developed over the past two years with him has been a whirlwind of laughter, tears, adventure, frustration and, above all, love. Pure, unadulterated love. I never imagined I could have this kind of emotional attachment to an animal, but he is my unwavering confidant and companion. This may all sound strange and desperate to someone who doesn’t understand such a relationship, but I also know I’m not alone here. I look forward to everyday I have with him and I hope there are many, many to come.

If I had the time, money and space I’d have a whole pack (having a golden retriever farm should have been on my original list). And why not turn my love into a career – both a veterinary practice and a dog bakery. And somewhere between all this, I’ll continue my dream of being a DJ…


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